How To Avial Service?
Whatsapp the photographs of the current condition of the article(s). Please provide at least 2 – 3 photographs and a couple for any specific issue(s).

Can our cleaning and sanitizing process damage your article?
There is an inherent risk in the cleaning and sanitizing process for your article to get damaged as we are using mechanical equipment and while we do keep our equipment finely tuned, the equipment can malfunction unexpectedly. However, WOODMAN has a professional team of conscientious associates to ensure situations like this do not happen, and in the instances, they do happen, we will work with you to rectify the situation. We strive for perfection.

How long does it take for you to clean my article?
The time taken generally depends on the condition of the article we receive, the type of leather, and how much effort we have to put into rejuvenating it. Generally, it takes somewhere between 10 – 15 working days for a single article to get processed.

Do you repair shoes/bags?
No, we stick to what we do best, Restoration, cleaning, and sanitizing

Are there certain types of materials that cannot be cleaned?
For the most part, No. However, occasionally we do receive articles with intricate workmanship or materials that would not be able to withstand our cleaning and sanitizing process. In those circumstances, we simply “abort” the cleaning process and send back the article free of any charges.

Do you offer any warranty for your services?
Unfortunately no, we do not offer any legal written warranty for the service that we provide! However, we’re more than happy to listen to and provide assistance to issues that may arise within a couple of weeks after the service. For orders that are older than 4 weeks, we cannot accept return/re-work requests.

Which mode of communication should I use for a prompt reply from WOODMAN TLR?
We prefer to be Whatsapp’d over email, But regardless feel free to email us too at [email protected].